Interview questions you might get asked

As a new yacht crew member, you can expect to be asked a range of questions during the interview process that will help the hiring manager determine if you are a good fit for the position. I want to help prepare you so you can present yourself in the best light.

Take some time to sit down and answer these questions to yourself. You don’t have to have all of the answers, but make sure that you are playing to your strengths and really selling yourself in the interview. Being prepared in an interview can really make all of the difference, not just in how you come across to the captain, but also in how you feel about going into the interview. If you are prepared you will feel confident and you will SHINE!

A few points on setting yourself up for the interview:

Most interviews are done via phone or skype/zoom. They are often with the crew agent first, and then with the Chief Stew, Chief Officer, Chief Engineer, Head Chef or Captain, depending on the position and size of the vessel you are applying for.

  • Get yourself in a quiet space. Turn off the music, tv, and keep pets and other distractions out of the room.
  • Get comfortable. If that means sitting cross-legged on a couch, do it, if you prefer to sit at a desk, do that. But be as comfortable as you can be while maintaining professionalism.
  • Have your own questions written out the for the interviewer. Make sure you cover your own bases on what you want to know about the job, the crew, and the contract.
  • Have a glass of water handy. You never know when you need it!
  • Don’t be hungover!! Have your wits about you, this is an important interview, treat it as such. I you are tired, hungover or drunk, you will NOT interview well, and you are not suited for yachting long-term.
  • Familiarise yourself with the interviewer. Know their name and position if possible, and have a google of the yacht name so you know some of the basics.
  • Keep a pen and paper next to you to write notes down.

Some common interview questions for yacht crew members may include:

  • Can you tell us about your previous experience in the maritime industry?
  • Do you have any specific training or certifications that are relevant to this position?
  • How do you handle working long hours and being away from home for extended periods of time?
  • Can you describe a time when you had to deal with a difficult situation onboard and how you handled it?
  • What are your strengths and weaknesses as a yacht crew member?
  • Why are you interested in joining our yacht crew, and what do you hope to gain from the experience?
  • Can you explain your approach to providing exceptional customer service to our clients?
  • How do you handle working in a team environment, and what do you believe is the key to successful teamwork on a yacht?
  • Are you comfortable working in a fast-paced and dynamic environment?
  • Do you have any questions for us about the position or our yacht?